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"Proud To Be Me"

Embrace the pride, freedom & comfort of simply being YOU!

The Proud To Be Me" Blog is a place where you can come be whoever you feel comfortable being. That's yourself! This is a no judgement zone. We were all created as individuals who each have something special to offer the world. We welcome people from all walks of life to join us and share their thoughts, knowledge, dreams, & especially motivation. 

Nice To Meet You

Writer: Proud To Be MeProud To Be Me

I love feeling safe enough to be the soft version of me. It feels so good not to constantly have to be on defense or wonder who’s really for me or not. I operate at my peak when I'm moving in trust, delicacy & love. To experience me at this the ULTIMATE, both for myself as well as for others! Seeing that frightened, insecure, little girl evolve into this powerful woman of light was long overdue! I’m relieved she’s surfaced and I have no plans on hiding her away again. #Muggy #ILoveItHere #highenergy #goodvibes #blessed #calmandpatient #lifeisgood #elevatedexperience #ByGodsGrace


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