You can live the life you dream of with focus, dedication, and being realistic. People mistake being able to go on vacation when and wherever they want, with "living the life". The real boss move is being able to enjoy the life that you live enough that you really don't need a vacation at all. See, if you enjoy the life you're living daily...there really is no need to go away for stress relief, a change of pace, or peace of mind. Of course, there will be places you want to go for the mere experience, but vacationing will become an extension of your happiness. The true goal is to live your dream every day. Be Empowered. Level Up. Soar!
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"Proud To Be Me"
Embrace the pride, freedom & comfort of simply being YOU!
The Proud To Be Me" Blog is a place where you can come be whoever you feel comfortable being. That's yourself! This is a no judgement zone. We were all created as individuals who each have something special to offer the world. We welcome people from all walks of life to join us and share their thoughts, knowledge, dreams, & especially motivation.
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