Happy International Family Day! Our family was the beginning of us... from the point of conception. We do not get to choose them. Our family will also be the end of us...as when we no longer walk this Earth...they will carry on our legacy. It is for that reason...the reason of them surviving us, that we should pour into them now.
A lot has changed since I was a child, and a lot more will change in the years to come. Prime example is that I have 5 new grandchildren and 1 on the way since our family picture was taken. Life moves fast and if we don't learn to move with it, we'll get ran over. Let's be proactive in our younger generations future and equip them with the proper survival kit. If we give them the tools to survive from the beginning, instead of having to focus on how to survive..they'll have more time to focus on getting ahead. Our time, knowledge and experiences are the best things we can give our family. By properly educating them not just with morals and spirituality but also with social and financial knowledge, we can break barriers and climb to new socioeconomic status.
Proud To Be Nation hopes that you and your families are blessed with tons of love, good fortune and long life. Happy International Family Day! Be Empowered. Level Up. Soar! #proudtobenation #knowledgeispower #vibratehigher