No matter how good to people you are, how much you support others, and how much you try to stay out of conflict...there are going to be people who do NOT like you. Try your best not to take it personal. People have their reasons. Most of them have less to do with you and more to do with internal conflicts within themselves! Believe it or not, most haters, will probably be people you have bent over backwards for. See, those are the people who are more than likely watching from the sidelines as you continue to climb, be prosperous, and full of good fortune. They are probaly watching others enjoy what they are missing and kicking themselves for not treating you better when you were in their presence. Payback doesn't have to come from being vindictive to someone who mistreated or betrayed sometimes comes in the form of a conscience. Always remember to take the high road, because blessings come from The Source and not from man. Keep putting out good energy and high vibrations will continue to bring you abundance in all that you do!
