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"Proud To Be Me"

Embrace the pride, freedom & comfort of simply being YOU!

The Proud To Be Me" Blog is a place where you can come be whoever you feel comfortable being. That's yourself! This is a no judgement zone. We were all created as individuals who each have something special to offer the world. We welcome people from all walks of life to join us and share their thoughts, knowledge, dreams, & especially motivation. 

Writer's pictureProud To Be Me

Beware: Surroundings May Be Hazardous

CONGRATULATIONS!! That's awesome that you just graduated, bought a new house, moved onto a nice apartment, purchased your own car, got a better paying job, enrolled in college, left a draining relationship, found the man/woman of your dreams, started a new business, or that life is just plain ole treating you well! Yes, as you can see...there can be many reasons why someone should be congratulating you. But the sad fact of the matter is: Everybody is NOT going to be happy for you!

There are many reasons why your happiness will bring someone else a frown. One reason is that your hard work makes them feel as if they haven't done enough. What they don't understand is that we are individuals. We all move at different paces. Our awareness and intelligence heightens at different times in our lives. It happens for some people sooner than others because some people just have more privilege. Opportunity presents itself to some people, where others are never given the chance. This could be due to the neighborhood they were raised in, the level of education ect. At any rate, regardless of the reason...there are some people who just have a jealous heart. Before these people show happiness for you, they would rather stir up lies and gossip to tear your climb to new heights down. Those are : "The only reason they" folks...or the: "If it wasn't for such n such" people.

There are those who no matter how good they are already doing...hate to see somebody else doing good. These people are the ones who will not for the life of them acknowledge your achievements, or even that you have a good idea. They refuse to give credit because they don't get the credit. Yep, these are the ones who pretend to do a good deed for the chance to gloat. They'll let the world know they did "this and that" for you. They will do 1 favor for you and feel like you owe them the rest of your life. Heck, they may even throw it back in your face at the height of one of your "I've arrived" moments in an effort to rip you down of cloud 9.

Then there are those envious ones amongst us who instead of congratulating you...always try to one up you. You can spot these people a mile away because they're always in competition mode. Hence, they always have something "better than" what you have happening or are in the process of "upgrading to something better than"" what you just showed them. They'd rather pretend like they don't see your achievements just to keep from congratulating you. Yes, they'll go as far as not calling, not visiting, even breaking contact. The funny part about these people is that when you see them, they can tell you everything that has been happening for you. Either that or they won't say congrats until someone around them congratulates you. I know right? ALL sad facts but true stories.

Why do people behave like this? Why can't they just be proud of their fellow man/woman? Why is it that some humans just be happy that someone else is doing good or making forward progress? some reasons are more common than others. For instance, it could simply be that your achievement is a reminder of their failure. And nine times out of ten, you may hear it from them first. "YOU THINK YOU'RE ALL THAT" or "They think they're better than" or "They forgot I knew them when...". Sometimes people are jealous of your determination and persistence. Understand that the ability to "NOT GIVE UP and KEEP TRYING" is quite rare. Some people are born with this quality and others are taught it...either by parents, a loved one, or life's circumstances. Those people who gave up, settled, or choose to complain about their lives DREAD seeing someone who walked in the same shoes as them...succeed.

Another reason people may be too envious to congratulate you is because you make their hard work look like a breeze or nothing extraordinary. You may hear "awww that's nothing, I already did this or had that..." or "My this and that are doing way better"

Look. I say all that to say this. WHAT THEY THINK AND WHY THEY THINK IT should not stop you from accomplishing your goals. BUT...if you are not aware of your surroundings, these people could most definitely be a hazard to your future. When you are focused on your goals, the last thing that you need is bad energy around you. Bad energy is a drain on the spirit. All of your energy needs to be directed towards the positive. How can you think BIG, when the people around you want to put you in a box? How can you progress forward, when the people around you want keep you chained to who you were in the past? How can you focus on taking the world by storm, when you have to compete with the people in your circle? If you want different, you have to think different, and move different. Otherwise, you'll keep getting the same results as you have in the past.

Resistance is a part of change. We outgrow clothes, schools, jobs, and people. Even plants outgrow their pots and need to be replanted otherwise the roots will suffocate and the plant will die. The same sometimes happens for people. Its okay. Someone once told me: "If you want to accomplish more...get comfortable with being uncomfortable" Antonio McFarrin. This replays in my head whenever I am in an uncomfortable position. It activates my courage to do what's unfamiliar. Understand that there will be doubters and gossipers. But don't let the negativity overshadow your vision or goal. Realize, that the true energy source of your strength and determination should come from within. All that you really YOUR WHAT, WHO, and WHY you want to accomplish your goal. When you have those in mind...nothing and nobody will stop you from figuring HOW to reach it! Ask yourself: Why did you decide to change? What made you fed up with your current situation? What is your goal? What will happen if you don't make a change soon? When do you want to reach your goal? Who are you doing it for? How will it benefit you/ your child(ren)/ your family? My children were a huge fueling source to my fire, but after they became adults, I had to find the true source. My source is simply that I am a child of God. Success and prosperity is my birthright. I was made in His greatness and therefore am capable of great things. I have promise. YOU HAVE PROMISE! There may be many shortcoming along the way but as long as you're breathing...its not the end. Remember, your current situation is not your final destination. What do you want for yourself? Where do you see yourself in the upcoming years? Change your frame of mind. Stop changing, belittling yourself, and dumbing yourself down for the people around you. Either they are going to support the change in you, or you need to change the people around you. I challenge you to try yourself out! Surround yourself with powerlines instead of drain pipes and see how much your life changes for the better! Be Empowered, Level Up, and SOAR!


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