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"Proud To Be Me"

Embrace the pride, freedom & comfort of simply being YOU!

The Proud To Be Me" Blog is a place where you can come be whoever you feel comfortable being. That's yourself! This is a no judgement zone. We were all created as individuals who each have something special to offer the world. We welcome people from all walks of life to join us and share their thoughts, knowledge, dreams, & especially motivation. 

Writer's pictureProud To Be Me

Against All Odds

Throwback Pic 2015: Brillcast Die Cast Metals days, where I was told I wouldn't last 2 weeks. It's funny how someone can know of you for YEARS... but not really know u at all. I went from a temp at Brillcast, to a trainer, to a Gate auditor, to Head of 1st & 2nd shift Quality. And did it all in less than a year. At the end of my almost 4 1/2 year term there, I even worked another fulltime job while maintaining that position. Ain't God good?!? Came to GA, went in Saddlecreek as a temp. They bought my contract out after only working for them for 30 days. Started as a Verifier and was called to HR where they requested I apply for the Floor Lead position, of which I did and ended up running the floor of the Inbound Shipping and Receiving for the entire Distribution Center. Fed up with Saddlecreek's LONG hours, I decided I deserved better. Took a day of vacation in which I used to go job hunting. Desperate, I prayed to God for help bcuz I didn't want to do another day at Saddlecreek. My prayer lead me to a temp service...who sent me to RedRock as a temp. RedRock also bought out my contract in less than 60 days and hired me on. Look at God! I started out as Production's Scheduler and after 3 weeks jumped to a dual position of Scheduler and Warehousing. And over 4 years later, I am now both the Company Planner as well as the Inventory Manager with 2 assistants of my own. God is an awesome God! I've always been an Authoritive figure... and have always ended up working predominantly with men. It hasn't been easy, but it has most definitely been worth it! I don't say all this to brag. No, not at all. I say this as a lesson. Bcuz had I believed I wouldn't last 2 weeks at Brillcast, I would have never started and would have never had the opportunity to climb the corporate ladder. I say this bcuz if I had not believed in myself and applied for the Floor lead position at Saddlecreek, I would have never ended up running Inbound Shipping and Receiving for the entire Distribution center. And if I had never trusted that God had something better for me and stepped out on Faith and Left Saddlecreek...I would not have ever been sent by the temp service to RedRock...where I still happily & successfully remain today! #Godspeed See I say ALL this to 1st let you know that NOBODY can choose your path. No matter what they have to say, the choice is ultimately yours to make! Secondly, NEVER be afraid to try. The fear of failure is far worse than actually failing. Don't be a victim to the fear of failure! Fear will stop you from acting, from moving forward, keep you from even trying. If you never try, you will never know how capable you are If you try and fail...At least: you learn a lesson, or now have a better way of approaching your goals. BUT when you try and succeed? You gain wisdom, build confidence, and acquire a new skill! PLUS...there's nothing more rewarding than beating the odds! And last BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST...Just know: What God has for YOU, nothing and nobody can stop You gotta have Faith, keep your Hope alive and KNOW that NOTHING is too big or impossible for The Almighty God. Know that he has plans for you, plans for the greater good and abundance. Success is your birthright! See. People make plenty of excuses as to why they didn't pursue something.(a fear, an enemy, competition, a mate, etc) At the end of the day, its IN YOU...not on you or around you! Ya heard? Either it's IN you or it ain't. Yes, I did good in Michigan and I'm doing better in Atlanta. NOT bcuz of the change of state...but bcuz "I CHOSE TO FULLY APPLY MYSELF" instead of letting my surroundings influence me, detour me, or hold me back! Thru my journey, I learned that WITH GOD, YOU CAN DO WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO!! Make God a part of your plans and your plans will be successful. Remember, God doesn't bless no mess. So do right in life, by people & choose wisely...blessings are sure to follow. Sincerely signed, a tried and true, Self-Improved, motivated woman of God.


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